
I am a senior researcher at the Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS), which is part of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany. My research is technology assessment (TA) of information technologies. TA is interdisciplinary and problem-oriented research on technological developments and interactions with changes in society. A particular research interest is technology policy and governance.


Jun 2024, presentation:
Zum Umgang mit Restrisiken der Diskriminierung durch KI [Dealing with residual risks of discrimination through AI], FRAIM-Midterm Conference, Institute for Science and Ethics, University of Bonn, 17-18 Jun 2024.

May 2024, article:
Orwat, Carsten (2024): Algorithmic Discrimination From the Perspective of Human Dignity; in: Social Inclusion, Vol. 12, Article 7160, pp. 1-18; Link to outside Download PDF (Open Access logo open access) at publishers's website.

May 2024, book chapter:
Orwat, Carsten (2024): Algorithmische Differenzierung und Diskriminierung aus Sicht der Menschenwürde [Algorithmic Discrimination From the Perspective of Human Dignity; German translation of the article above], in: Reder, Michael; Koska, Christopher (eds.): Künstliche Intelligenz und ethische Verantwortung, Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 141-161; Link to outside Download PDF of the book (Open Access logo open access) at publishers's website.

Mar 2024, presentation:
Künstliche Intelligenz, Diskriminierungsrisiken und Auswirkungen auf die Menschenwürde [Artificial intelligence, discrimination risks and the impact on human dignity], Community Congress der KIT-Gründerschmiede, 21 Mar 2024.

Jan 2024, project:
New research project "Systemic Risks of Artificial Intelligence", part of the project "Systemic and Existential Risks of AI", funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, from Jan 2024 to Dec 2025.

Selected publications:

Orwat, Carsten; Bareis, Jascha; Folberth, Anja; Jahnel, Jutta; Wadephul, Christian (2022):
Risikoregulierung von künstlicher Intelligenz und automatisierten Entscheidungen [Risk regulation of artificial intelligence and automated decision-making],
in: Hoeren, Thomas; Pinelli, Stefan (eds.): Künstliche Intelligenz - Ethik und Recht, Munich: Beck, pp. 255-287, Link to outside book webpage by publisher.

Cover of the book Risks of Discrimination through the Use of Algorithms Orwat, Carsten (2020):
Risks of Discrimination through the Use of Algorithms.
A study compiled with a grant from the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency, Berlin: Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency, (translation of the study below)
Link to outside Download (PDF) (Open Access logo open access) at agency's website.

Vorderseite des Buches Diskriminierungsrisiken durch Verwendung von Algorithmen Orwat, Carsten (2019):
Diskriminierungsrisiken durch Verwendung von Algorithmen,
Studie (erstellt mit einer Zuwendung der Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes); Berlin: Nomos. [Study "Discrimination risks by the use of algorithms", funded by the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency],
Link to outside Download (PDF) (Open Access logo open access) at the agency's website.

Full list of publications