Research interests
- Technology assessment, mainly of information and communication technologies
- Technology policy, technology governance, risk regulation
- Human rights, human dignity
- Algorithmic discrimination
Research activities and results
Since 2024:
Systemic Risks of Artificial Intelligence (head of project), research project as part of the project "Systemic and Existential Risks of Artificial Intelligence", funding by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, from Jan 2024 to Dec 2025
Since 2019:
GOAL - Governance of and by algorithms (head of project at ITAS), research project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research,
from Sep 2019 to Aug 2021
- 2024, Article: Normative Challenges of Risk Regulation of Artificial Intelligence, replaces working paper below, reference
- 2022, Preprint: Normative Challenges of Risk Regulation of Artificial Intelligence and Automated Decision-Making, replaced by journal article above, reference
- 2022, Working paper: Tackling problems, harvesting benefits - A systematic review of the regulatory debate around AI, reference
- 2022, Presentation: Tackling problems, harvesting benefits - A systematic review of the regulatory debate around AI, reference
- 2022, Book chapter: Risikoregulierung von künstlicher Intelligenz und automatisierten Entscheidungen, reference
- 2020, Statement to public consultation on European Commissions's White paper on Artificial Intelligence, reference
- 2021, Presentation at "Demokratie im Gespräch: "Computer sagt Nein"? Diskriminierungsrisiken durch algorithmische Entscheidungssysteme", reference
- 2020, Presentation at "Die Macht der Algorithmen - Ethische Grenzen, Schutz vor Diskriminierung und Datenschutz", reference
- Project description at institute's website
Since 2018:
Risks of discrimination by algorithms (head of project), research project funded by the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency (Anti-Diskriminierungstelle des Bundes), from Jan 2018 to Dec 2018
- 2024, Book chapter: Algorithmische Differenzierung und Diskriminierung aus Sicht der Menschenwürde, reference
- 2024, Presentation: Zum Umgang mit Restrisiken der Diskriminierung durch KI [Dealing with residual risks of discrimination through AI], reference
- 2024, Presentation: Künstliche Intelligenz, Diskriminierungsrisiken und Auswirkungen auf die Menschenwürde, reference
- 2024, Article: Algorithmic Discrimination From the Perspective of Human Dignity, reference
- 2023, Presentation: Künstliche Intelligenz, Diskriminierungsrisiken und Auswirkungen auf die Menschenwürde [Artificial intelligence, discrimination risks and impacts on human dignity], reference
- 2023, Presentation: "Fairness" als Antwort auf algorithmische Diskriminierungsrisiken ist nicht genug ["Fairness" as response to algorithmic discrimination risks is not enough], reference
- 2022, Presentation: Diskriminierungsrisiken durch Verwendung von Algorithmen [Discrimination risks through the use of algorithms], reference
- 2020, Contribution to study: Mögliche Diskriminierung durch algorithmische Entscheidungssysteme und maschinelles Lernen - ein Überblick, reference
- 2019, Translated study: Risks of Discrimination through the Use of Algorithms, reference
- 2018, Study: Diskriminierungsrisiken durch Verwendung von Algorithmen, reference
- Projekt webpage (english), Projektwebseite (deutsch)
- Website of the agency
ABIDA - Assessing Big Data (one of the heads of project),
research project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, from Mar 2015 to Feb 2019
- Book chapter: Einstellungen und Erwartungen, reference
- Survey: Attitudes towards big data practices and the institutional framework of privacy and data protection, reference
- Edited book: Big Data. Gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen und rechtliche Antworten, reference
- Edited book: Big Data und Gesellschaft. Eine multidisziplinäre Annäherung, reference
- Citizens' Consultation on big data, June 2016, Stralsund
- Citizens' Consultation on big data, May 2016, Aachen
- Related article 'Big Data und die gesellschaftlichen Folgen', reference
- Related presentation 'Big Data und die Folgen für den Einzelnen', reference
- Project website, project flyer
Value-oriented Design of the Future Internet (principal investigator),
research initiative by the KIT
Software als Institution (Software as institution) (head of project),
project by the KIT
- Related presentation 'Smart worlds, smart rules?” On the legitimacy of digital systems of social rules', Berlin
- Presentation 'Smarte Welten - Smarte Regeln? Legitimität von digitalen Regelsystemen', reference
- Partly in article 'Values and Networks - Steps Toward Exploring their Relationships', reference
- Report: Governance of Critical Infrastructures, Systemic Risks, and Dependable Software, reference
- Article: Software als Institution und ihre Gestaltbarkeit, reference
- Workshop: Software als Institution, workshop website
Systemic Risks in Energy Infrastructures (head of project until 2014),
project within the Helmholtz Alliance Energy-Trans
- Related presentation: Governance von kritischen Infrastrukturen, reference
- Related article 'Systemic Risks in the Electric Power Infrastructure?', reference
- Book chapter: Energy System Transformation - Governance of Trust?, reference
- Project website, Alliance website
Dependable Software in Critical Infrastructures,
research initiative by the KIT
PERCOMED - Pervasive Computing in der vernetzten medizinischen Versorgung
(Pervasive Computing in Networked Medical Care) (head of project at ITAS),
project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF),
- Related article: Adopting Pervasive Computing for Routine Use in Healthcare, reference
- Related article: Towards pervasive computing in health care - a literature review, reference
- Article: Finanzierungsfragen des Pervasive Computing im Gesundheitswesen, reference
- Article: Der Umgang mit Barrieren bei der Einführung von Pervasive Computing. Ein Literaturüberblick, reference
Recasting of Copyright and Related Rights for the Knowledge Economy (subcontract),
project co-ordinated by Institute of Information Law, University of Amsterdam on behalf of the European Commission
- Book chapter: Consumer Awareness and Acceptance of Copyright, reference
INDICARE - The Informed Dialogue about Consumer Acceptability of DRM Solutions in Europe (head of project),
project funded by the European Commission, DG Information Society
- Related article: Konsultationsverfahren als Mittel der politischen Gestaltung des digitalen Rechtemanagements - notwendig, aber nicht hinreichend, reference
- Article: Report on the 3rd DRM Conference, reference
- Article: Report by the High Level Group on DRM at the European Commission, references
Foresight on Information Society Technologies in the European Research Area (FISTERA),
project funded by the European Commission, DG Information Society, coordinated by the Joint Research Centre,
Institute for Prospective Technological Studies
- Article: Foresight in the enlarged european research and innovation area, reference
- Project website at ITAS
Mapping the European Knowledge Base of Socio-Economic Impact Studies
of Information Society Technologies (EKB-SEIS),
project funded by the European Commission, coordinated by the Joint Research Centre, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies
- Book chapter and data base entry: E-Commerce. Societal Dimension of ICTs, reference
project conducted on behalf of the German Parliament (Bundestag) by ITAS together
with the Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag
- Related book: E-Commerce in Deutschland. Eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme zum elektronischen Handel, reference
- Book chapter: Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien und nachhaltige Entwicklung, reference
- Book chapter: Elektronischer Handel und Nachhaltigkeit, reference
- Book chapter: Stand, Perspektiven und Folgen des E-Commerce, reference
- Book chapter: Electronic Commerce [in German], reference
Chancen und Risiken des Internet für den Buchhandel - Projekt Online-Buchhandel
(Opportunities and Risks of the Internet for the Book Trade - Project Online Bookselling), project by ITAS
Research visit,
Department of Economics, University of Washington, Seattle, USA (five month)
Information als privates Gut - Mehr Umweltschutz durch ökologische Publizitätspflichten
(Information as a Private Good. More Environmental Protection with Environmental Disclosure Regulation),
project partly funded by Volkswagen Foundation
- Book chapter: Environmental Marketing and Public Policy, reference
- Book chapter: Economic Aspects of Environmental Labelling, reference
- Article: Environmental Labelling in Europe: European and National Tasks, reference
- Article: Ökonomische Analyse der EU-Richtlinie zur integrierten Vermeidung und Verminderung der Umweltschmutzung, reference
- Book (dissertation): Corporate Environmental Disclosure - An Economic Analysis, reference
- Book chapter: Umweltschutzorientierte Unternehmenspublizität, reference
Informationsinstrumente des betrieblichen Umweltschutzes. Ökologische Bilanzierung und Controlling
(Information Instruments of Corporate Environmental Protection. Eco-Balances and Eco-Controlling),
project at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, advised by Prof. Dr. Paul Klemmer
- Related book: Informationsinstrumente des Umweltmanagements, book description
Research grants received
- (ongoing) Grant by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for project "Systemic and Existential Risks of Artificial Intelligence" (Grant No. 01IS23075), together with Reinhard Heil and Dr. Jutta Jahnel
- Grant by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for project "Governance of and by algorithms (GOAL)" (Grant No. 01IS19020B), together with Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoeren, Prof. Dr. Armin Grunwald et al.
- Grant by Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency (Anti-Diskriminierungstelle des Bundes) for project "Diskriminierungsrisiken durch Algorithmen"
- Grant by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for project "ABIDA - Assessing Big Data" (Grant No. 01IS15016A-F), together with Reinhard Heil, Dr. Barbara Kolany-Raiser, Prof. Dr. Armin Grunwald, Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoeren
- Grant by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for project "PerCoMed - Pervasive Computing in der medizinischen Versorgung" (Grant No. 16I1546), together with Dr. Carsten Holtmann and Michaela Wölk
- Grant by European Commission, DG Information Society, for project "INDICARE" (EDC - 53042 INDICARE/28609, eContent programme), together with Knud Böhle
- Grant by Volkswagen Foundation for project "Information als privates Gut", together with Prof. Dr. H. Karl
- The Institute for Technology Assessmet and Systems Analysis (ITAS) is mainly funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). ITAS is part of the Karlsruhe Institue of Technology (KIT), which is part of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres (HGF), information about ITAS, KIT, HGF.